Loaded and Tasty Peanut Butter Cups

When that time of the month comes and you are trying to live zero waste, but really just want all of the chocolate and Justin's Peanut Butter Cups within arms reach, you start getting creative with what you make at home. This is where the inspiration for these loaded peanut butter cups come from. I've tried multiple recipes found online to make peanut butter cups, but just couldn't get the chocolate to be just the right consistency. 

I had to sacrifice taste testing a bunch of these so I could finally get them right.  These yield about 12 cups. To be honest, one is enough as it is filled with so much goodness.

Majority of the ingredients can be found in bulk. Our local Wholefoods offers freshly grounded peanut and almond butter. These may not have as much settled oil so you may need to add coconut oil to adjust the consistency. You can substitute peanut butter with almond butter of course.

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Eat it fast or else it will melt in your hand. Note the hearty dose of flax and chia seeds sandwiched between layers of chocolate with a splash of coconut oil.




Chocolate Layer

  • 2 2/3 cups of chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life since I had leftovers from a while back and these are the most allergen free baking chocolate out there, you can also purchase chips from the bulk section)

  • 6 tbsp of coconut oil



  1. Melt the chocolate in a double broiler until creamy.

  2. Add the coconut oil. This will soften the chocolate so it's not one massive hard rock when you bite into it.

  3. Grab a cupcake tin and spray with coconut oil

  4. Distribute the chocolate into the cupcake tin. Make sure to only use half of it as the rest will be used to cover the top of these cups.

  5. Shake the cupcake molds so that the chocolate distributes properly.

  6. Freeze for at least 20 minutes.

  7. While that chocolate is freezing, prepare the peanut butter layer.


Peanut Butter Layer

  • 1/2 peanut butter (Mix your peanut butter properly so that the oil is distributed)

  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil (add more if the consistency appears dry)

  • 1 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1 tbsp of flax seeds

  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds



  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Make sure the ingredients stand for at least 15 minutes together. This will help soften the seeds a little bit.

  2. Let stand together until ready to put into the molds

  3. Add the peanut butter layer. Be sure only to put in a small amount.

  4. Back in the freezer for another 20 minutes.

  5. Add the rest of the chocolate to cover the peanut butter layer.

  6. Back in the freezer for another 20 minutes.


These should remain refrigerated before consumption as there are no additional stabilizers.  Keep in a container with a lid so that it doesn't absorb other smells and tastes from the fridge. Enjoy with your choice of milk or coffee!  It can melt quickly if the air temperature is high so savor quickly.  You'll notice a hint of coconut as you bite into it and the cocoa powder cuts the peanut butter taste just slightly.

Loaded and Tasty Peanut Butter Cups

Loaded and Tasty Peanut Butter Cups

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