Cut Cable: Gain More Money, Time and Sanity.

My husband and I have not had cable in over 5 years and don't miss it at all. We share a Netflix account that is barely used. We also have Amazon, but have not gotten into the swing of the shows there. I thought I would do a quick infographic of how much TV costs in terms of money and time.

Despite all of the news you hear about people cutting the cord and streaming from Netflix. Research still shows that 83% of American households pay for TV as a service. Many are just so used to the monthly cost. They don't think they can live without E! or HGTV, but I can attest that there is life after this. For me, not having cable for 5 years meant a significant amount of money and time saved. Some of this money I've invested and I've seen it grow significantly. Some of this money has been used to travel instead. I'm definitely not a cheapskate, but there's certain things that are worth paying money for, cable is NOT one of them.

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Minimalism is not these 5 things

What is minimalism? What is about? What is not about? Is it at trend? Is it about aesthetic? Is it about the number of things?

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Just-in-case is not your crutch

Just-in-case! How many times have we said that to ourselves and how many times has something actually happened? It's time to let go of just-in-case.

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Getting to Zero: A Look at How New York City Handles Waste

he average New Yorker generates at least 15 lbs of waste at home and 9 lbs at work. I can attest to the 9 lbs being true. I used to buy breakfast, lunch, snacks and coffee in single-use, plastic containers that are then bagged in plastic. I had my own personal trash bin for goodness sake. I've picked up new habits since then thankfully.

One of the biggest challenges the city of New York has is that it doesn't have a say in what they collect. They don't have a voice in how products are designed, what kind of packaging is being used and therefore, the sanitation department must analyze the trash they collect often to see how their collection and sorting process needs to change. For example, newspapers was one of the most popular items they collected, however, the rise of electronic devices decreased this type of trash. Unfortunately though, internet shopping generated an increase in cardboard boxes which is heavier to transport than newspapers so they had to figure out a way to manage this new kind of waste such as where and how to recycle.

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Gluten Free Cereal Recipe: Keto, Paleo and Whole30 Friendly

Gluten free cereal recipe without all of the excess sugar and added ingredients. Simple and easy to make. Paleo, keto and whole30 friendly. A great option for a low carb breakfast.

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Biodegradable vs. Compostable: What's the Difference?

What's the difference between biodegradable and compostable?

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Zero Waste: Travel Tips

Simple tips to reduce waste while traveling by car or plane.

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