United We Farm: Farmer Veteran Coalition

Every month, I highlight an organization, individual, business or non-profit doing good in the world.  Last month for October, we looked into Solight Design, a company that created a solar powered light cube designed to be used pretty much anywhere.  The cubes can provide light where needed.  In October, they set out to raise funds to ship light cubes to Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew.  Imagine not having electricity at home.  Consider donating one to a child in need so that he may walk safely home or be able to read at night.

This month for November, we look at the Farmer Veteran Coalition.  On November 11, 2016, we will observe Veterans Day, which honors those who bravely fought in the United States Armed Forces.  I came across this organization when I was researching things for my little garden. 

The Mission of Farmer Veteran Coalition is Mobilizing Veterans to Feed America
We cultivate a new generation of farmers and food leaders, and develop viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities. We believe that veterans possess the unique skills and character needed to strengthen rural communities and create sustainable food systems. We believe that agriculture offers purpose, opportunity, and physical and psychological benefits.

This not-for-profit organization offers various services to support veterans and active military members as they venture into agriculture.

Now, I don't have any immediate family members that served in the military, but my appreciation goes out to families and individuals who are making the ultimate sacrifice.  Part of the reason my parents immigrated to the United States is because of the freedom and opportunity it presented.  This freedom would not be possible by the men and women stationed abroad and here in the US.  Additionally, in the past few years, I've learned to appreciate the beauty and hard work of agriculture.  While I only have a little urban garden on my deck, I've learned that planting takes patience, take resources, takes time and can be a very fulfilling experience.  Food is also a very important aspect of life and it's wonderful to see new ways of growing food in a more sustainable fashion.  I also believe that men and women coming back from the trenches of battle be given an opportunity to continue their contribution to the American people.


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