I found Swell because I was looking to invest in companies that were doing good in the world. Companies that were tackling solutions to reduce waste, provide clean water, eradicate disease and so on. This reviews goes through what Swell is, how much I invested, how the platform looks. In the end, it’s up to you whether you want to invest via Swell. I would highly encourage you to take a look at the companies they invest in so that you can do further research and to see if these are inline with your values.
Read moreHow to Invest Responsibly with People, Planet, Profit in Mind - Part 1
We are all environmentalists because our future prosperity depends on the Earth.
In this post, we run through the many alternatives when it comes to sustainable investing. Investing is not a scary word. Investing means putting in capital (time, money or resource) to help something grow. As eco-warriors, we have to start looking holistically at what our money is doing while we sleep.
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