Whole30 The Agile Way: Week 1 Retrospective

In a previous post, I had decided to try doing the whole30 using a process that's now core to software development.  The process is all about chunking, iteration, and reviewing completed actions in a way that shows reflection and a progress.

As of Saturday night, May 28, I finished the first 7 days of whole30.  Below is a retrospective of how it went as well as a recap of the foods I was able to enjoy.

What Went Well

  • I was experimenting with a wider variety of foods this time around
  • My cravings were very minimal which I was shocked at.  I had the occasional hankering for a cookie and some ice cream given it's the season for it, but otherwise, that was it. 
  • I had enough energy to do 2 over 3 mile run/walk plus a 6 mile hike this week so that was a plus.
  • Ate out twice and felt prepared and confident about what to get and order.

What Did Not Go Well

  • I wasn't planning enough with regards to meals.  Some of my meals lacked a protein as I didn't want to fire up the stove to cook it.  I resorted to easy to cut vegetables.
  • I reached for a bowl of nuts each time I wanted to snack.
  • I felt like I was constantly going to the grocery store. 

What Can Be Improved 

  • Add more variety to breakfast.  Eating eggs everyday no longer appeal to me even though I tried eggs in many ways from hard boiled (my go to), omelette and scrambled.
  • Need to pre-cook meals head of time so that I have something easy to grab and heat up
  • Need to review ingredients at home before heading to the store to reduce duplicate items or missed vegetables. 


Mini Salmon Cakes

2 cans of salmon drained (I used Kirkland's Pink salmon)

1 large sweet potato (cooked in the microwave)

1/2 tsp of paprika

1/2 tsp of pepper

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp salt as needed

2 eggs

Combine together in a large bowl.  I used a mold to make them mini but you can use your hands or anything else to shape them.  I then quickly fried them in a little bit of olive oil just enough to brown them and get them slightly crispy.


Cold Tuna Salad

2 cans of tuna in olive oil (slightly drained, keep some of the oil for flavor)

3 stalks of celery chopped into cubes

1 large green apple chopped into cubes

Half an orange or lemon (to keep the apples from browning)

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine in a large bowl, mix and voila!  Easy salad.  No mayo here, but I did make this one from The Movement Menu separately and it was delicious.  I have since added a bit of it on everything.


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