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Minimalist and Zero Waste Gift Guide

Minimalist and Zero waste Gift Guide

While my immediate family and I stopped exchanging gifts a few years ago, I'm not opposed to presents completely. I still like the occasional gift, but as someone who has ventured into the world of minimalism and zero waste, I offer some suggestions on what to give folks on this journey.  Consequently, these gifts are also good for someone who has everything already. Gift giving is rooted in tradition, in showing love, in showing appreciation so keep these in mind that large gifts don't necessarily mean big love. Small things, small actions can mean big love.

Here's a short excerpt on things from "The Gift of Death".

I share this essay every year because it’s a stark reminder about how our consumption affects everyone around us.


If you are starting your minimalism and zero waste journey, let family and friend know ahead of time of your new lifestyle. Help them understand the why. This year, many family budgets will look a bit differently especially as inflation eats up a big part of our spending. Consider if this is the year you change your gifting tradition. Remember that you have the power to change how your family consumes today and tomorrow.

I love Etsy for sparking your creativity so you will see some affiliate links on this post to give you ideas on what you can do. See Disclosures for details. Of course, use what you have, reuse, recycle, and if you don’t absolutely need, don’t get it.

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  1. Nothing. Easy.  Done! Maybe a Hug and call it a day.

  2. An experience of some sorts: concert, movie, show, hike, trip, etc.

  3. A coffee break to-stay.

  4. A consumable gift in a reused, reusable or recyclable packaging like cookies or wine. (I personally make these cookies only and always during the holidays.)

  5. Jam or honey in a glass container from a local shop or from a specialty shop or made by you. This is where you can plan head with all of those apples you picked.

  6. A container of their favorite loose leaf tea with no packaging, better yet purchased in a reusable bag and transferred to a beautiful recycled tin or odd shaped jar that you can find at many thrift stores in in your closet.

  7. Handmade or local soap in their favorite scent without plastic packaging. 

  8. An offer of time. Offer to babysit, pickup kids, or run errands so they can have some time to themselves.

  9. A plant grown by you and in a reusable container.

  10. A hand me down book from a favorite author wrapped beautifully in an old (maybe vintage), clean handkerchief, Furoshiki style.

  11. A basket of local produce from your own garden or from a local farm market.

  12. Locally picked flowers wrapped in a bit of twine.

  13. A handmade and handcrafted usable object that you specialize in. 

  14. An electronic picture of you drinking coffee or juice from your own mason jar, reusable container or stainless steel straw. Trust me, nothing will bring more joy to someone practicing zero waste than if you show you are taking steps to reduce waste.

  15. An electronic picture of you on the floor feeling all the things that "spark joy".

  16. An hour of honest, real conversation over freshly ground coffee in actual mugs.

  17. A home cooked meal delivered in reusable containers that you pick up empty, but still dirty. Head to your local thrift store to find containers to use and gift.

  18. An offer to fix something broken in the home so a new purchase is not necessary. 

  19. Antique but functional and usable food grade jars.

  20. Bulk bags made by you. Here’s instructions from the Zero Waste Chef.

  21. A homemade sugar, coffee or salt scrub made by you with their favorite scents.

  22. An offer to help them with computer and phone issues. Great for young kids to give to grandma/grandpa and great for the grandparents to spend time with their grandkids.

  23. A warm "I'm here and everything will be OK" HUG.

  24. Time to play without distractions. Create a coupon so that your kids can spend it at their own discretion.

  25. A family portrait session. No need for fancy equipment. Get creative with what you have.

  26. Gift a playlist and bring back those memories.

  27. Gift stock for someone's future expenses. Learn more about sustainable investing.

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I'm sure there are plenty more good ideas out there.  Drop some suggestions in the comment section of other minimalist and zero waste gifts that you can give to someone who already has everything.

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