Books That I've Read in 2017
So many books, so little time.
I'm doing a quick check-in as we are mid-way through the year. One of my goals this year was to read more and I've been tracking my progress. Minimalism has definitely given me more time to read and has also kicked up my desire to learn more. The library is definitely one of my go-to places.
Here are the books I've read so far this year. Mostly non-fiction. You'll start to see patterns. These are listed in the order that I read and finished them.
I've linked them below. See Disclosures for details. Check them out at your local library first before purchasing them. I've bolded the ones that I love and would recommend.
- A Piece of the Action: How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class (fascinating book about the history of the credit system in the US and how came to live on credit)
- The Blood Sugar Solution 10 Day Detox Diet
- Keto Clarity (great intro yet comprehensive book on the ketogenic diet which I took on as my February project)
- Happy Money (how to spend money properly for greater happiness return)
- 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (classic and an insightful read)
- The Big Fat Surprise (excellent book about how fat came to be demonized because of powerful lobbying)
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (my fave quotes here)
- The Plastic Free Life (learned a lot from this)
- The Zero Waste Solution (looks at zero waste at a much larger scale, summary here)
- 10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness (eye opening look into microbes and how we have destroyed our internal systems, things I found fascinating from this book)
- Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues (another excellent book on microbes)
- Outsmart Waste (some ideas from this book are in this post)
- The Zero Waste Lifestyle (more tips and tricks on a zero waste life)
- Dude Making a Difference (inspiration on how to make a difference in the world
- The History of Love (the only fiction I read and LOVED!)
- Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety (interesting true story of one man's struggle with anxiety written with lots of comedic statements)
- The Mind Gut Connection (we completely underestimate our gut and this book explains why and how)
- The Paradox of Choice (my favorite insights if you don't want to read the book)
- Frommer's Iceland (use LonelyPlanet's latest instead) (my Iceland trip photos)
- Simple Matters (beautiful book, the book I needed 5 years ago)
- Waste Free Kitchen Handbook (lots of helpful tips and tricks to reduce food waste because wasted food = wasted money)
- Sperm Wars (whoa! fascinating read about sex and how women are programmed to seek the best possible mate, while most of men's sperms are there to fight off other mean's sperms)
- TigerFish: A Memoir of a South Vietnamese Colonels Daughter and her coming of age in America (great look into immigrant and refugee life and the struggle to live in a dichotomy of two cultures)
- Think and Grow Rich (a classic find at Goodwill)
- The Secret (proof that intentions matter)
- The Personal MBA (I enjoyed this simplified version of business and economics concept)
- Perks of Being a Wallpaper (a book I should have read as a teenager)
- MegaTrends 2010 - The Rise of Conscious Capitalism (great book about the need for responsible individuals doing good in the world)
- Solitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World (awesome book that relates technology and how it's destroying some of our innate human traits)
- Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (finally read after I "borrowed" from a friend 10 years ago, not a fan of the book, but got through it)
- The Postmistress (picked up at a Free Library, story was OK)
- Born a Crime (Love the way Trevor Noah tells stories and also provides a glimpse on what South Africa was like)
- The Fasting Diet (Read it in preparation for my weekend fast, best takeaway was to slowly introduce green foods that are easy to digest once you break the fast.)
- The Happiness Project (A book I wished a few years ago)
- What Color is Your Parachute (Much needed to put some perspective to my desires for my next role)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (I've been wanting to read after we visited Iceland this past summer so that I could see how they described this amazing country)
- Head Strong (to supplement my health optimization and personal bio hacking experiments)
What books have you read this year? Have you read any of the above? Let me know!